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'RideToJannah' Ramadhan Donation Appeal

(Tue 28/05/2019)


السلام علیکم ورحمة الله وبركاته

In the Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.

We hope this message reaches you in the best state of health and faith in these last few remaining precious days of this blessed month (of Ramadhan).

Losing a loved one (to death) can be a distressing/ traumatic experience. Those left behind should be able to grieve without worrying who will take care of burial arrangements and assist at this critical time.

Founded on the principles of providing khidmah (service) to the Ummah of our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), MMBT was established in March 2015 for this very purpose.

MMBT is an independent, voluntary, non-profit, community burial and bereavement charity based in Old Trafford (Manchester) run by volunteers around their day-to-day jobs. We provide a unique, personable, FREE, empathetic, caring and compassionate service to bereaving families when losing a loved one.
Through the
Unconditional Help of Allah (Most Kind, Most Merciful) and your ongoing duas & support, MMBT have been making a BIG DIFFERENCE to bereaving families. From the time of passing away until the deceased is laid to rest in their grave, we have been there every step of the way; helping, supporting and guiding families in their difficult time.

Alhamdulillah, over the last 4 years, we have helped 180+ families bury their loved ones through our extensive range of services detailed here:

As we enter the 3rd (and final) Ashra of Ramadhan, where Allah SWT has guaranteed salvation/ emancipation from Hellfire and where the reward of good deeds are multiplied many times over, MMBT are launching its ‘Ride2Jannah’ Donation Appeal to raise funds to help us purchase a new modern private ambulance. We are humbly making this heartfelt appeal to you (our beloved brothers and sisters in deen) to assist us with this noble initiative so we can continue to deliver our much needed FREE service to bereaving families in their time of need for many years to come.

Based on our research/ requirements specification on the type of vehicle we need, we are seeking to raise around £25K Insha'Allah.  This will cover the cost of necessary customisation/ adaptation and purchase of essential equipment. Where feasible we will utilise items from the current ambulance, however we intend to sell this on to others who may have a need for a similar setup service in their own community so they can benefit also (and help part finance the cost towards our new investment).

By donating for this cause, you will be helping the deceased slave of Allah SWT in their journey of return to their Lord. Alhamdulillah! What a noble and virtuous act!

Each deceased that passes through the MMBT ambulance unfolds their own amazing story that humbles/ makes us realise how fortunate we are that Allah SWT (in His Infinite Mercy) chosen the likes of YOU and  US for His Cause. Below is a snippet of some example cases that we have dealt with...

• A young family who passed away in a car accident whilst in the path of Allah SWT.

• The parents of young orphaned children who perished in a housefire.

• A direct descendent of our Beloved Prophet (PBUH) who sought out our services from the other end of the country.

• A brother with no family on the verge of being cremated, whose burial was attended by hundreds of people.

• A brother abandoned in a nursing home for 10+years with no traceable next of kin who remained unburied for a few months (prior to MMBT intervention).

• Countless young children/babies (including those who did not know the world outside their mother's womb) for whom Jannah is guaranteed.

Our Lord says to the nearest meaning that if my servant comes to me walking, I will go to him/ her running, so please take the first step in this noble cause to help us raise the required funds and be part of the MMBT story.

Our hope in Allah SWT's help to achieve the required target is unwavered and we have no doubt that in keeping our intentions pure and sincere, His Help (The Turner and Softener of Hearts) is near and WE WILL achieve this goal together!

If you would like to donate or have any enquiries, please contact one of the volunteers below:

Salim: 07766301861
Abdul Huy: 07817232267
Ashraf: 07879490834

For any one-off online donations, please use the bank details below and don’t forget to let us know by contacting us to say you have donated (and the amount) so we can issue you with a receipt.
Bank: Al-Rayan Bank
Acc Name: Manchester Muslims Burial Trust
Acc No: 01286301
Sort Code: 30-00-83
Ref: Please state your name.

If you have a lost a loved one, you can also donate on their behalf and make it a means of Sadaqah Jariyah (Ongoing Charity) for them. 

Even if you are unable to donate, do earn your reward by kindly sharing this msg so that it reaches others who may benefit. 

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جزاكم اللهُ خيراً و بارك الله فيكم

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